Alex Birkhofer

Principal Forester

Registered Professional Forester #3281 ISA Certified Arborist WE-15445A

Born and raised in Santa Cruz, CA, Alex’s upbringing was centered around the outdoors. When it came time to choose a college major, he followed passions and obtained a degree from CAL Poly San Luis Obispo in Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Concentrating in Wildland Fire and Fuels. After college, Alex briefly worked in water quality compliance before starting an apprenticeship with a Registered Professional Forester. During that time, he gained valuable experience working in the unique forest systems of the Santa Cruz Mountains, participating in statewide fuel reduction projects, and building relationships with a wide variety of land management stakeholders. After completing his state licensing requirements, Alex started AB Forestry with a mission to offer tailored solutions for the objectives of forest landowners.